PhD student
I am a PhD student at Selwyn College, Cambridge, where I am researching a history of HIV/AIDS activism in the UK c. 1982-2000 under the supervision of Dr Lucy Delap. Before this, I studied for an MPhil in Modern British History at Pembroke College, Cambridge with a thesis exploring the Church of England's responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. I also have a First Class (Honours) BA in History from Royal Holloway, University of London. My previous work examined the British National Party (BNP)'s opposition to gay men (c. 1982-1999) by employing a historically sociological analysis of the party's 'homohysteria' to more accurately identify the party's anti-gay attitudes.
Research Interests
Post-war British history
Religious history
Queer history
LGBTQ history
Oral History
Radical history/histories of activism
British fascism
Key Publications
‘The ‘obnoxious mobilised minority’: homophobia and homohysteria in the British National Party, c. 1982-1999’, in Cynthia Miller-Idriss and Hilary Pilkington (eds.) Gender and the Radical and Extreme Right (London: Routledge, forthcoming April 2018).
‘The ‘obnoxious mobilised minority’: homophobia and homohysteria in the British National Party, c. 1982-1999’, in Nigel Copsey and Matt Worley (eds.) ‘Tomorrow Belongs to Us’: The British Far Right since 1967 (London: Routledge, 2018).
'The 'obnoxious mobilised minority': homophobia and homohysteria in the British National Party, c. 1982-1999', Gender and Education, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2017), pp. 165-181.