Equality at the University
Equality & Diversity
The University of Cambridge is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to a proactive and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity.
Equality Champions
In 2009, the University approved the establishment of Equality Champions to demonstrate senior leadership and support for equality and diversity matters and initiatives. The Champions: support the progression of equality for all protected groups (including gender, sex, and sexual orientation); assist with the progression of equality objectives; advocate on equality and diversity matters; advise and contribute to papers and relevant processes; work with staff and student equality networks; provide a formal link to staff diversity networks; attend equalities-related events.
If you would like to contact one of the Equality Champions, email: equality@admin.cam.ac.uk
- Professor Val Gibson (Gender Equality in STEMM)
- Professor Sarah Colvin (Gender Equality in Arts, Humanities and Social Science)
- Dr Kamal Munir (Race & Inclusion)
- Dr Mónica Moreno Figueroa (Race & Inclusion)
- Dr Hisham Ziauddeen (Disability & Wellbeing)
- There is currently no LGBTQ+ Equality Champion. Get in touch with the LGBTQ+ Network.
University of Cambridge Equal Opportunities Policy
Student Wellbeing: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
General Resources
Confronting Trans Antagonism in The Academy: A Digital Toolkit
"As a group of scholars and organizers who come from various disciplines and occupy various positionalities within the university, we’ve constructed this toolkit to intervene in this farcical exercise of academic elitism, recognizing the deeply material, social and political consequences of naming and misnaming. We do not believe that people’s identities constitute reasonable grounds for discussion. In fact, it is our contention that the hallowed virtues of “reasoned debate” and “critical thinking” to which Reed and Castiglia refer are only made possible by respecting the identities of any discussants."
Resources and information for supporting trans, non-binary & gender diverse applicants, students and staff in Further and Higher Education
Teaching Trans Students, Teaching Trans Studies - Nicholas L. Clarkson
Feminist Teacher, Volume 27, Numbers 2-3, 2017, pp. 233-252 (Article)
Published by University of Illinois Press
Women's and Gender Studies as a field seems to have positioned trans studies as a trendy new topic or subfield within feminist and queer scholarship. Instead of thinking of trans studies as a subset of feminist theory, this article suggests that we instead think of trans, feminist, and queer studies as three angles of vision on a similar set of problems of gender and sexuality. Highly recommended reading for anyone teaching within these fields.
Resources in Cambridge
English Faculty Library LGBTQ+ Resources
LGBTQ+ studies is an emerging field of scholarship. The sources in this guide offer an entry point to resources and collections across the University of Cambridge that focus on various aspects of LGBTQ+ studies. This is, however, an interdisciplinary area of research, and so relevant materials can be found in a wide range of references sources which may not directly have an LGBTQ+ studies focus.
The Harry Harris LGBTQ+ library aims to provide access to material you’d otherwise struggle to get hold of, including academic studies, autobiographies, hard-to-find music, novels and films. (Location: CUSU, 17 Mill Lane.)
A termly University of Cambridge student publication written, edited and produced by the LGBTQ+ community in Cambridge and its allies.
Careers service
LGBTQ+ career information, tips and resources.
Bathroom map
A crowdsourced map of Cambridge with the aim to provide trans people with the locations of gender neutral toilets. Right-click to add a public bathroom and give details of gender and accessibility.
Trans Liberation Cambridge
Our local trans liberation movement. Information on events, support and how to get involved at their linktree.
Long-time friends of Q+, CamQueerHistory is a volunteer collective of people in Cambridge who are interested in organising events about queer and LGBTQ+ histories. They are made up of students and non-students, town and university people, and their events are open to everyone. Email them at camqueerhistory@gmail.com if you'd like to get involved.
For Students
CUSU LGBT+phobia Contact Form
CUSU LGBT+ considers the welfare of LGBT+ students at Cambridge a priority. As such they are keen to hear and follow up on any kind of discrimination or LGBT+phobia that occurs in the University and in the town with a zero tolerance policy.
For Staff
Dignity @ work policy
HR bullying/harassment policy and contacts
For Anyone
Mindline Trans+ Listening Service -
Nationally beloved mental health charity Mind have started a trans+ listening service to provide emotional and mental health support to anyone under the trans/gender variant umbrella. The service is staffed by trained volunteers with personal experience of being trans/gender variant (and occasionally allies to meet demand). Mindline Trans+ runs Mondays and Fridays, 8pm - midnight (and on Wednesdays at these hours from the 1st of September 2021 onwards).
Strut Safe
Strut Safe is a UK-wide phone line. If you're walking alone, our volunteers will be a friendly voice to keep you company and help you feel safe until you are through the door. Give them a ring on 0333 335 0026 - they're open Fridays & Saturdays 19:00 - 03:00, and Sundays 19:00 - 01:00. They are also always looking for volunteers.