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The primary purpose of the Steering Committee is to evaluate the Q+ programme at Cambridge.  Most of the members (unless denoted otherwise) are positioned at the University of Cambridge). We are proud to have the following people on our Steering Committee:


Craig Brierley

Head of Research Communications

Dr Caroline Gonda

Faculty of English

Prof Martin Johnson

Emeritus Professor of Reproductive Science

Prof James Laidlaw

Professor of Social Anthropology

Dr Robert Pralat

Reproductive Sociology Research Group

Dr John David Rhodes

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics

Prof Andrew Webber

Professor of Modern German and Comparative Culture, University Equality LGBT+ Championa

Welcome to Q+

lgbtQ+@​cam was an initiative that ran from 2018 - 2024 to promote interdisciplinary research, outreach and network building related to queer, trans and sexuality studies at the University of Cambridge.

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This programme is proudly supported by Clifford Chance.

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