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We are pleased to announce we are working with STEM academics at the University of Cambridge to coordinate a university-wide Q+STEM network.

The main purpose of this network will be:

  • to provide a forum for sharing information for people working in this area at Cambridge, including a list of representatives in as many departments and faculties as possible;
  • to promote, document and publicise activities related to QSTEM here at Cambridge;
  • to provide links to helpful resources and information;
  • to raise the profile of a new research network, Q+​STEM @cam.



Welcome to Q+

lgbtQ+@​cam was an initiative that ran from 2018 - 2024 to promote interdisciplinary research, outreach and network building related to queer, trans and sexuality studies at the University of Cambridge.

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Contact us



This programme is proudly supported by Clifford Chance.

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